Who built Bursledon Brickworks? What was their life like? Get hands-on with history to learn about the people of Victorian Swanwick. As well as exploring our handling collection, you can talk to us about the only remaining steam-driven brickworks in the country, our programme of events and the benefits of volunteering. Get up-close with a couple of our curious bricks and takeaway a leaflet with a voucher for museum entry.
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A Banquet of Tables (For a Feast for Los Niños): Performance
This October, you are invited by the John Hansard Gallery to experience work by artists Sonia Boué and Ashokkumar D Mistry. Join us to watch Ashokkumar D Mistry's iteration of ...Read More
John Hansard Gallery

Photographing War and Peace through the Ages | Exhibition
Images of war have been informing public opinions since the invention of the camera in the mid-1800s. This exhibition of conflict photography will take you on a journey through tim ...Read More
Sir James Matthews Building