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Thank you for your interest in taking part in Southampton Arts and Humanities Festival 2024!

How to take part

This year the festival will run from Thursday 7th November 2024 to Saturday 16th November 2024

This year exhibitors will also be able to contribute content to the UK Disability History Month (Thursday 14th November 2024 to Saturday 21st December 2024) and for the ESRC Festival of Social Science (Saturday 19th October 2024 to Saturday 9th November 2024) for Hands-on Humanities Day.

You will be able to contribute to two different types of activities:

  • WIDER FESTIVAL | an online or in person event or digital activity (e.g. live event, pre-recorded video/podcast, downloadable resources)
  • HANDS ON HUMANITIES DAY | an interactive activity, talk, workshop, exhibit, live performance for Saturday 9th November 2024 at the Southampton Cultural Quarter (exclusively).

How to register

To make a submission and save key dates on your calendar, please carefully follow the instructions in this section.

  • A unique login and password is required, before making your submission - please, do not use your University ID and password to log in. To find out more about this process please click on one of the following to access the guidelines:
  • If you are planning to run multiple activities, please make a separate entry for each one.
  • To learn more about the registration process, what to expect and available support, please explore the FAQs for exhibitors by clicking one of the following buttons:
  • If you need help crafting your activity take a look at our previous festivals here or explore resources at to UoS users).
  • Once your entry has been accepted, you'll receive an automated email with a dedicated URL to your activity along with a unique username and password. Please use these details to preview and edit your submission.
  • To add relevant key dates and crucial deadlines to your calendar, click on the calendar icons in the tables below to download the .ics file.
WIDER FESTIVAL Southampton Arts and Humanities Festival | DEADLINE Monday 16th September 2024
Hands-on Humanities Day STAGE 1 (overview) | DEADLINE Monday 16th September 2024
Hands-on Humanities Day STAGE 2 (logistics) | DEADLINE Monday 7th October 2024
Hands-on Humanities Day STAGE 3 (risk assessment) | DEADLINE Monday 21st October 2024

When you are ready to make a submission, please click the blue button below.

What's next after submission:

  • Once you have submitted a form, you will receive an automated confirmation email with a summary of the information entered.
  • Upon acceptance/pending status of your submission, you will receive an automated email with a dedicated URL to your activity, username and password, including a link to preview your activity and next action points. These details must be used to edit your entry or add any pending information.
  • If you do not receive any automated email from us within an hour after submission, please check your spam folder first and if not resolved, get in touch.
Southampton Arts and Humanities Festival Thursday 7th November 2024 - Saturday 16th November 2024
Hands-on Humanities Day Saturday 9th November 2024

Please note: your contact details will be used exclusively for managing the organisation of the event you are taking part in and will not be shared with other parties.

The UoS Festival Team
Public Engagement with Research unit (PERu), University of Southampton